Blog by Rahul Subramany

Bombay Bazaar prevents $20k in food waste with Monaire

January 29, 2023 12:28 PM By Rahul Subramany - Comment(s)
Bombay Bazaar prevents $20k in food waste with Monaire
Monaire's monitoring and service helped Bombay Bazaar identify and fix issues with their refrigeration systems early - thus preventing food waste and saving money.

High utility bills are here to stay - how can you respond? 

January 28, 2023 12:34 PM By Rahul Subramany - Comment(s)
High utility bills are here to stay - how can you respond? 
Electricity bills and Natural gas prices have increased significantly in the last year and are expected to rise even further in 2023. Learn how you can respond and reduce your bills, lower operating costs and increase profit margins.

How to find and use local incentives to update HVAC and refrigeration equipment

January 05, 2023 10:54 AM By Rahul Subramany - Comment(s)
How to find and use local incentives to update HVAC and refrigeration equipment
Upgrading HVAC and refrigeration equipment is expensive. Fortunately, there are numerous grants and incentives available from multiple sources to help reduce the cost burden.

Increase grocery store margins by reducing refrigeration energy use

January 04, 2023 09:43 PM By Rahul Subramany - Comment(s)
Increase grocery store margins by reducing refrigeration energy use
Refrigeration is an energy hog and is placing a major dent your grocery businesses profit margins. Learn more about how to optimize your refrigeration systems and increase your profits.

How does HVAC and Refrigeration monitoring save money for small businesses?

January 04, 2023 01:36 PM By Rahul Subramany - Comment(s)
How does HVAC and Refrigeration monitoring save money for small businesses?
By monitoring HVAC and refrigeration systems, small businesses can identify areas where they can improve energy efficiency and reduce their energy costs.

Caspian Grill restaurant saves over $25k with Monaire

January 04, 2023 01:36 PM By Rahul Subramany - Comment(s)
Caspian Grill restaurant saves over $25k with Monaire
Caspian Grill saw significant energy savings via Monaire's AI-powered algorithms. After signing up with Monaire, Caspian Grill has also seen a 30% decrease in repair bills and has prevented food waste worth $1,000's.

Predictive + Preventative maintenance for HVAC and refrigeration equipment

October 03, 2022 01:36 PM By Rahul Subramany - Comment(s)
Predictive + Preventative maintenance for HVAC and refrigeration equipment
Preventative maintenance has been used for decades, to identify and address potential problems before they occur. Recently, predictive maintenance technologies have come forth that are able to go one step further and predict what maintenance is needed and when it should be performed.